bezel set diamond ring

Bezel Set Engagement Rings

The exquisite bezel-set diamond ring has experienced a remarkable comeback, quickly becoming one of the most sought-after styles this year.

This contemporary version of a diamond setting features a slender rim of solid gold that securely encases the diamond and enhances its visual presence, making it appear larger. Additionally, it creates a smooth and refined appearance, blending seamlessly with the ring's overall design.

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What is a Bezel Set Diamond Ring?

The bezel setting not only enhances the beauty of the gemstone but also provides excellent protection, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a durable and low-maintenance ring. The gold rim surrounds the stone, safeguarding it from everyday wear and tear while adding an extra layer of elegance.

Bezel Set Engagement Ring 

This beautiful ring is the perfect choice for an engagement ring in which your partner will adore. Enquire with one of our diamond specialists to learn more about our bezel set engagement ring in Australia.