Try on different diamond replica shapes and sizes at home to discover what best suits you. Grab your partner, a cheeky glass of champagne and start indulging in some bling!
Personalise Your Kit
Select up to three replica shapes & carat sizes including side stones. We’ll send your kit for free, just pay a $240 refundable deposit.
Try On Shapes and Sizes
You can go through the try-on process on your own or opt for a zoom appointment with your personal diamond concierge. 
Pre-Paid Return Post
Send the kit back within 14 days and receive $500 towards your custom ring. Still unsure? Receive a full refund.

Discover what’s in the kit

  • Centre Stone Select up to 3 different stone shapes in 3 carat sizes.
  • Side Stones Select up to 2 different side stone shapes.
  • Ring Bands You’ll receive 4 different ring bands to try on.
  • Free Bejewelled Pen Our gift to you, keep this to write down what you’re loving on the lift out brochure.
  • A pincer ring to hold your stones so you can try your creations on hand.
  • A ring sizer to measure your ring size so you can order confidently.
  • A beautiful box with a companion lift out & an adhesive diamond box which you can use to explore diamond sizes on different bands.

Create your Try At-Home kit

Try-At-Home Kit

Shapes Sizes Side Stones Summary

Choose your main shape preferences. Select up to 3 shapes.

“Their try at home kit was fantastic and really helped me narrow down what I wanted. Would definitely recommend!”

VANESSA & DYLANElongated Cushion

"Living rural, getting to a jeweller for a sit down consultation is difficult. Being able to do this from the comfort of our own home together is just great."

MEALINE & MITCHOval Cut Cigar Ring

"The kit was amazing!! We loved everything and are closer to deciding on what we want. Such a great idea."

MADELEINE & JORDANRadiant Cut with Pavé Band

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I return the kit for my refund?

Return your kit within 14 days of receiving it, with everything inside (Aside from the brochure and pen) in order to get your $500 store credit or a refund.

Step 1: Ensure all items are inside of the kit, other than your brochure and pen.

Step 2: Securely package the kit with provided bubble wrap and place in the original brown padded mailer.

Step 3: Place the padded mailer inside the prefilled shipping satchel and seal it tightly. Drop it off at the nearest Australia Post office.

Step 4: Once we have received the kit, we will give you a $500 credit towards the purchase of your engagement ring/diamond ring or a full refund.

  • Your choice of up to 3 x different stone shapes in your choice of 3 x different sizes
  • Your choice of up to 2 x different side stone shapes
  • Plain solitaire and Pavé bands to try on
  • Pincer Ring
  • Rhinestone Pen (to keep!)
  • Adhesive Diamond Box
  • Companion Lift Out
  • Ring Sizer

Delivery will be very dependant on where in the world you are.

As we generally ship via Australia Post, you can use this link to see domestic or international delivery estimates from our Head Office in Sydney, Australia.

Of course! We also offer a 3D print service on all our engagement ring styles. You can choose your desired ring setting style and then match it with the carat weight you desire. This will give you an exact replica of the ring you want. It is yours to keep.